Saturday, March 28, 2009

And they wonder why only criminals like them?

President of Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyers Association says getting rid of two- or three-for-one sentencing deals is a "distraction."

Apparently, the federal government's plan to do away with two or three for one deals for prisoners on remand is a distraction, to take our minds off the recession, according to Charlie Stewart, the president of the group responsible for ensuring crooks are back on the street by tea time, should they fall foul of the law for some reason.

Of course it's a political ploy Charlie, that's what politicians do. However, they also respond to what people say, and what people have been saying for some time now is that they are fed up with crooks being rewarded for breaking the law. They are also fed up with lawers dragging things out to ensure that sentences are reduced to time served as often as possible. After all, the burglars and drug dealers have to make a living too, so no sense putting them in jail.

Perhaps Charlie and his laweyer friends could work out some kind of deal with God and have Jose Neto get a two for one deal on the eyes he lost, caught in the crossfire of a gang war in downtown Calgary. Maybe Keni Su'a's family could get two of him back for the one they lost in the Bolsa Restaurant shootings on New Year's Day? Perhaps the five people killed by Daniel Tschetter as he allegedly drove his cement truck at high speed down Highway 2 while under the influence could get a few more years of life as a reward for not breaking the law.

Somehow, I think that Charlie and his friends will be working harder to have Tschetter's 10 previous driving offences expunged from the record, than they will trying to get justice for his victims. Thank God for the politicians.

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